My Main Message:

I've been publishing on the Internet for eleven years.  My wish is to share my work with the world, not for any reason but for the pure love of the arts.  I will try my best to provide my pages with quality poetry, photographs and art.

My beautiful Chow Chow __ Taurus Ottabee Silverado
Published works:

I would love to read your poems, short stories and art renderings.  If you would like them to appear on this website, please send them in and I will definately consider them.

My second Chow Chow __ Bossy Bear


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   To Judith Kafri

The Poet

Poets embed themselves
Within my heart.
I need not have eyes to read,
Ears to hear,
Nor shall I bide my time in poetic waste.

Poets speak well in my mind’s eye … without pen;
And have done so throughout a lifetime

Life blooms in awesome hues.
Sometimes … colours clash;
Refusing to combine.
They remain non colours … black and white;
Unable to join the spectrum … alpha and omega

So then life moves on,
Avoiding games,
Greeting new,
Living amidst the wealth of a world’s offerings,
Breathing in the good … exhaling the bad;
Offering no hate,
No negative force
Only a need for peace to rule.

Tears have cursed cheeks too many a time.
So actions need take place,
Where words will not suffice.

I will not bear an arid, desolation from life.
My love for life is great!
I will give, share, care
… with Love.
And always
Keep my poets at heart’s range.

© 6/7/00, Charlotte Mair




Faces in the wind, on the clouds, in the sea
I'm missing sweet love,
Like a soldier in action, wandering jungles in far off lands
Rain to remind ones heart of a loving face,

In endless realms
Twisted smiles are forced, as not to offend the crowds
Oh yes, I'm missing warm arms around me

Miles spread distance, as the portal hides you from my sight
Billows of beauty to dream on, amber sunrise against a purple sky
As a soldier makes the long flight to battlefields once more

Truly, did they share a parting kiss, or was this only a dream?
Together is where both wish to be
Yet, apart finds them
Wading through mere dreams, until they meet again

So, dear heart of mine
We share the spirit of a love, even though time makes us part;
My return is imminent, if only in spirit
How sweet our meeting will be, after the long haul home
But for now, I am aching,
and missing you.

© 05/03/08 Charlotte G Mair


Here's my MP3 to listen to while reading, if you like ... enjoy


Wild Irish Heart

My future has been written in the sands,
long before I was ever born
There is a strong sense of determination--
patience, and the given morals __ high ideals of the father

Dear Da taught me that, "I can do anything I want to do"
Funny how those words came out of his mouth.
He never liked strong women, yet__ that's what he taught me to be
I can and have done much in my 60 years,
never quite grasping the brass ring,
but in turn, never stopping the trying of achievement

At the end of many people's lives,
when they're nearing final hours,
it is said that their success was in "the trying" __ not "the win"
That, I have done "She Tried"
That epitaph will fly on the wind and preside with my ashes
Over land to Ottawa, on the graves of my Irish family's namesake,
Into the icy Atlantic __ to bid forefathers fare thee well

I have been taught to honour the family name __ 'strength in numbers'
and to put up the best fight anyone could do in a lifetime
to stand proud, as I flow out to sea
with this never tamed, wild Irish heart

©06/02/2009 CG Mair




Cactus surrounds this wounded heart
And DO NOT ENTER remains written on her gatefold
Love, once yearned for, is now condemned

Golden were her ideals
Yet only tin, tendered the door
To fail and rust away in tears

Was there ever love in this withered heart?
I wonder
Feels like centuries ago that I felt a murmur
And now … betrayal by the white picket fence dream

I was born to love, to marry, to raise children
Never wanted much from life
And yet, something so simple f
so far from my reach

I wear these signs and shield myself with thorns
A survivor am I with one last drop of dignity

(C) CG Mair


Blue Skies and I’m Alright

Blue skies and sunshine, breezes carry scent of lilacs, on this spring day
Television groans out the news, to inform me that life still goes on;
And in the corner of my mind is a light, a spark of something positive;
That I believe … to have truly never known;
I have been hiding for many a year, and concealing this old heart well;
A runner of the night, a gypsy soul.

So; what is this knocking at my door? That beckons a lady’s inner being;
Who was tending to her own calling;
With a smile and an air of well being; just … walking.
What could have caused his eyes to burn this way; to search me out;
To leave me so bewildered; to open up this well hidden secret, into wanting to be?
This is clearly a line, that I am not sure I dare to cross; not with my foolish heart!

For once the butterfly springs forth from her cocoon, she can never return.
All she can do is pray her flight be steady and in God’s good grace;
And that, this light that shines her way is indeed a pure one;
To guide her through the battle;
To lend fortitude’s hand, for whatever demons she must face.

But, for now, I will not dwell on what is and what is not,
And I will drink in the beauty of the day.
I will take the time to feel the sun upon my face; and love it!
Tend my flowers and breathe the breath of life.
I will appreciate God’s creation and my moment of splendor.
Just in case I should awaken and this mysterious visitor called love,
Turns and walks back__into a dream.

(C)Charlotte G Mair



Wondering through the pathway __ is anybody there?
No sound, no scent, just the quiet nothing and the trace of a face
Even the sun wants to hide, behind this smoggy mist
But, like some long lost legend, here am I __ a ghost that is amidst
Carnage that lay scattered, here and there, around a hollowed heart
A demeanor childlike in its ways __ deficient and remiss

Sweet face of welcome, how I miss your bright light
As midnight plays to Beethoven, it is blue I understand
There is no sound to match such painful tones
Only the ocean can bring comfort, only the moon at a distance
Floating softly over the crests of thunderous waves in dreams
Azure skies and lullabies of better days to know

Stale promises lay far beneath the salty seas,
As sunken treasure of long ago;
And is to be entrusted to the isolation of eternity
To Davey Jones' Locker

A hollow shell lies on sandy shores; left loose to toss and roll
This precious gem I retrieve for safekeeping
For I remember how I felt abandoned -- alone
And that all God's creations, need be treasured

This sandy beach, it brings peace and solace
Each foamy wave, that beats upon the rocks;
Even upon re-opening old wounds from within;
Hardening an old heart, on life and its meanings

That I love the rolling, thunderous surf is well known
It has always brought out the best in me
Gentle rain that falls on late spring days
To coax fields of flowers to bloom forth
These are the mementos that I know and trust
And in the stillness of this hour, I reflect
That even with no special one, to calm my heart
A song lives on, if not a love for me

Poem ©02/08/2009 CG Mair


Child of War

I swear. I hear their cries at night __ feel them!
War and more war, death _ and more death
Heartache upon heartache and loss upon loss
Torment inside the teardrop eye of the middle east

Mother's gone, father fights the war
Terror labours its way, in a blackened crawl
A mist of hate, that seeps into the blood drenched land
To permeate the soil for the future soldier
__ open wound _ a sore, a cancer

Children are taught not to be greedy
__ they are told it is wrong to inflict pain on another
__ not to be selfish, to show mercy and understanding
__ we teach them the ten great commandments __ don't we?

Then__ to be soldiers one is taught to forget all teachings
Does it puzzle YOU to no end?
At how we can find the answer in physical contact
__ where is the line of right and wrong?

Forgive my naiveté __ pardon the heart of a mother
__ who thought she had raised her children well
__ and gave them loving kindness to pass onto a new generation

But, will the Child of War ever find shelter?

©02/08/2009 CG Mair


You make it easy
to leave this world
with your sardonicism

Spell it out
W _ A _ R
it reeks of melancholy
lacked faith
iron lunged
metal fatigued body snatchers
ancient black veils _ stealing the new day dawn

War_ gnashing, crashing machines
to scrape the innocent _ grind and pupate minds
War and war again
will it end and who is the victor
when all is said and done
all losing

© 2004 Charlotte G Mair